Will setting aside for your retirement years assure you of a comfortable life down the road?
Living life fully and meaningfully is what we all aspire to do when we are young. As the popular adage goes, you only live once! #YOLO
Traveling to your dream destinations, pursuing your passions, and spending more time with family and friends - these are all experiences that we should prioritize in the present. As many have encouraged, do these more often while you are still young and have all the energy.
However, life is a delicate balance, and it's crucial not to neglect equally important matters, such as health, finances, and planning for the future. Regularly reviewing your life plans and financial goals helps strike a balance between spending on desires and experiences and making stable investments with secure insurance protection to avoid becoming a burden to your family once you reach your golden years.
Your life later depends on the plans you build today.
Retirement may feel like from a far-off future, but it’s nearer than you think!
It’s easy to be carefree in your youth - at the prime of your life - but becoming wiser involves great planning and preparation. Here are more reasons why starting to plan and save for a retirement fund now is crucial:
Regardless of age and status, there's no better time than NOW to invest in yourself so you can have the future you’ve always wanted. Let us help you build your future with Manulife Retirement Plans. Talk to us if you wish to learn more.
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Filipinos Are Not Retirement-Ready, Reports Say
According to recent reports, only 29% of Filipino adults have a savings account. The Philippines, in fact, has one of the lowest savings rates in Southeast Asia. Another survey showed that 46% of Filipinos rely on cash savings or deposits for retirement, but how far can your money take you?
Turning Retirement Dreams into Financial Reality: Timeless Strategies that can Help Your Savings Grow
The freedom to enjoy life on your own terms, with plenty of time (and money) to travel, focus on your hobbies or do whatever your heart desires may come to mind first when you think of retirement. But funding this milestone in one’s stage of life takes planning, discipline, and perseverance – and the sooner you start, the better.
Secure Your Family's Future by Saving Up Today
Lack of planning can lead to frustration and disappointment when our dreams do not materialize. Attain your goals with these helpful steps.