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Change in Valuation of Variable Life Funds with Investment in PH Fixed Income Securities 

August 22, 2023


Starting September 1, 2023, we will be shifting from gross of tax to net of tax pricing in valuing the Philippine fixed income securities held by select funds where some of our Variable Life Funds (the “Funds”) invest in to better reflect the value of the securities as they are traded in the market.

The shift to net of tax pricing will result in a one-time change in the net asset value (“NAV”) of the Fund, which is approximately +0.06% to +0.53% of the fund value based on end of June 2023 prices. The actual effect of this one-time change in the NAV of the Fund will depend on the prices of the securities held by the Fund on September 1, 2023.

The affected funds are listed below:

  • MCBL Dynamic Allocation Fund
  • MCBL Peso Bond Fund
  • MCBL Peso Stable Fund
  • MCBL Peso Secure Fund
  • MCBL Peso Diversified Fund
  • MCBL Peso Balanced Fund
  • MCBL Peso Target Income Fund
  • MCBL Peso Target Distribution Fund
  • MCBL Peso Wealth Optimizer 2026
  • MCBL Peso Wealth Optimizer 2031
  • MCBL Peso Wealth Optimizer 2036

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your Financial Sales Associate or call Customer Care at (+632) 8884 7000 or Domestic Toll-Free Hotline (1800) 1 888 6268. You may also email us at